our mission
To be a source of
gardening information, fellowship and community service to the Hilliard
Ohio area.
Signed in as:
To be a source of
gardening information, fellowship and community service to the Hilliard
Ohio area.
Interested in joining our club? Simply go to the the menu bar at the top of this page and click Membership. Download and print the Membership Application, fill it out, enclose check and mail it to the address on the the form. Or attend any meeting, bring cash or check and our treasurer will have a copy of the application to fill out. Please Email any questions to HilliardAreaGardenClub@yahoo.com We hope to see you.
We have committees to join including: Veterans' Memorial management, Amlin garden and other area gardens, Speaker recruitment, Craft night, Community Outreach, and many more!
Our club has been active for over 50 years with wonderful members: women, men, and couples of varying ages and gardening interests. The Hilliard Community Senior Center was the former home for most of our meetings. Starting in January 2025, we will meet at our new home at 3789 Cemetery Road on the third Tuesday of moat months from 7pm to 9pm. Thanks to the generosity of Angela and Jeremy Burdge. we will be meeting in a brand new building designed for purposes of the club!!! Park at the new building and not by the house. You do not need to be a member to attend a meeting marked "open to all." Just look under "Club Calendar" on this website or visit our Facebook events page by searching for Hilliard Area Garden club. Members can be granted access to our Facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/hilliardareagardenclub. Have a question or comment? Please email us at HilliardAreaGardenClub@yahoo.com.
To help increase butterfly numbers, our club established a Certified Monarch Way Station. This garden is filled with native plants to support their life cycle such as Common and Swamp Milkweed, Purple Aster, Butterfly Weed, Coreopsis and Purple Coneflower and more. This garden is located behind the Veterans Memorial Garden in Roger Reynolds Municipal Park in Hilliard.
By joining the Hilliard Area Garden Club you will automatically become a member of the Columbus District of the Garden Club of Ohio and the Central Atlantic Region of the National Garden Clubs Inc. To Learn about the benefits of being a member of these two clubs please click "Links of Interest" on our website.
"The most valuable benefit of participating in garden club are
the friends you'll make."
We love to tour Ohio gardens. Each one has its own personality. Past excursions include:
> Gantz farm educational session and tour
> Search for spring native wildflowers at local parks
> Butterfly Ridge Conservation Center
> Governor’s Residence & Heritage Gardens
> Cedar Bog
> Inniswood Metropark
Our November meeting is generally Craft Night. To the right are examples of fresh holiday pine baskets. Below is a concrete leaf casting made during a summer crafting event. We recently made Hypertufas in a class at Chadwick Arboretum!
Past activities include:
Live centerpieces
Concrete leaf castings
How to force Spring bulbs indoors during Winter
Origami Paper Ornaments
Holiday decorations
Wreath making class
> The "Laid Back" Gardener- easy tricks and tips
> The Importance of Worms!
> All you wanted to know or share about Gardening
> How to Build a Fish Pond
> Butterflies!
Past topics -
> How to care for houseplants
> Spring wildflowers at the Arc of Appalachia
> Selecting the Best Native Trees for Your Property
> Kitchen Gardens, Design Your Own
> Identifying Non-Native Invasive Pests
> Gardening for Pollinators
> Diagnosing Plant Problems
> Must-Have Perennials
> Choosing native plants for best results
Hilliard Area Garden Club
4694 Cemetery Road
PMB # 163
Hilliard, Ohio 43026-1124